Agendas, Minutes & Reports
Overview and Health Scrutiny Committee reports and agendas are available from this page in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. Click here to download the free Acrobat Reader
HOSC meetings 2010
HOSC meeting Thursday 11th March- click on 'item (number)' for the background paper
- Agenda
- Item 1 - Apologies for absence
- Item 2 - Minutes of meeting held 20th November 2009
- Full agenda and papers to be posted by Wednesday 3rd March 2010
HOSC meeting Friday 20th November - click on 'item (number)' for the background paper
- Agenda
- Item 1 - Apologies for absence
- Item 2 - Minutes of meeting held 24th September 2009
- Item 3 - Disclosures
- Item 4 - Notification of urgent items
- Item 5 - Heart (cardiac) services in East Sussex proposals for providing primary angioplasty as a treatment for heart attacks
- Tina Wilmer, Programme Director, Unscheduled Care, NHS West Sussex will present proposals for the provision of primary angioplasty in East Sussex, within the context of a wider strategy across Sussex. Click here for her brief.
- Item 6 - East Sussex Maternity Services Strategy 2009 - 2012
- Mike Wood, Chief Executive and Lisa Compton Director of Public Engagement and Corporate Affairs, NHS East Sussex Downs and Weald and NHS Hastings and Rother will present a report on the finalised strategy for maternity services in East Sussex. Click here for the strategy
- Item 7 - Better by Design - improvement programme for mental health services
- Kate Noakes, Assistant Director - Change Management, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust will present a report on the Better by Design' strategy and consultation plans. Click here for the report. Russell Hackett, Director of Business Development, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust will be in attendance.
- Item 8 - Building Better Secure and Forensic Services in Sussex capital development programme
- Christine Bowman, Deputy Director - Strategic Development & Capital Projects, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust will give an overview of the redevelopment of Secure and Forensic Services based at Hellingly in East Sussex. Click here for the overview. Russell Hackett, Director of Business Development; Andrew Dean, Service Director Secure and Forensic Services; and Maggie Gardner, Project Development, Hellingly site, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust will be in attendance.
- Item 9 - Brighton and Sussex University NHS Trust proposals to become a Foundation Trust
- Duncan Selbie, Chief Executive and Alex Sienkiewicz, Company Secretary, Brighton and Sussex University NHS Trust will present on the Trust's Foundation Trust application. Click here for the presentation. Overview paper - click here
- Item 10 - NHS Dentistry in East Sussex
- Jane Hewitt, Dental & Optometry Services Development Manager, NHS East Sussex Downs and Weald/NHS Hastings and Rother has supplied an update (click here) on access to NHS dentistry in East Sussex, including progress reports on the review of Emergency Dental Services and changes to Special Care Dental Services. Map NHS Dentists (click here) Leaflet Poster site Poster
- Item 11 - HPV vaccination programme for cervical cancer review of first year
- Joanne Bernhaut, Consultant in Public Health and Alison Smith, Children's Commissioning and Strategic Development Lead, NHS East Sussex Downs and Weald/NHS Hastings and Rother have supplied a report (click here) assessing the first year's implementation of the HPV vaccination programme.
- Item 12 - Progress report on recommendations from the review of support for patients and carers applying for power of attorney under the Mental Capacity Act 2005. Click here for report.
- Item 13 - Individual HOSC members activity including Local Involvement Network (LINk) update
- Item 14 - Any other items previously notified under agenda item 4
HOSC meeting Thursday 24th September - click on 'item (number)' for the background paper
- Agenda
- Item 1 - Apologies for absence: Cllrs Davies, Lambert and Mr Dave Rogers
- Item 2 - Minutes of meeting held 6th July 2009
- Item 3 - Disclosures
- Item 4 - Notification of urgent items
- Item 5 - South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Trust (SECAMB) key developments
- Geraint Davies, Director of Corporate Affairs and Geoff Catling, Head of Estates, SECAMB will give a presentation on key developments for SECAMB including the Trust's application for Foundation Trust status and the strategy for the ambulance station network in the light of new make ready' depot arrangements for cleaning and restocking ambulances. Presentation slides
- Item 6 - Older people's mental health services strategy
- Martin Packwood, Joint Commissioning Manager for Mental Health, NHS East Sussex Downs and Weald/NHS Hastings and Rother/ESCC Adult Social Care; Nigel Hussey, PCT Commissioning Manager for Mental Health, NHS ESDW adn NHS H&R and Neil Waterhouse, Service Director Older People's Mental Health Services, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust will present an update report which will include an assessment of the implications of the new National Dementia Strategy. Presentation slides
- Item 7 - Community and inpatient care for older people with organic mental health needs
- Neil Waterhouse, Service Director Older People's Mental Health Services, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SPT) and Martin Packwood, Joint Commissioning Manager for Mental Health, NHS East Sussex Downs and Weald/NHS Hastings and Rother will present a report on the implementation of specific proposals to reduce and re-organise acute assessment beds and develop community based assessment, considered by the HOSC Task Group during 2008. SPT report and Presentation slides
- Item 8 - Developing maternity services
- Jenny Phaure, Maternity Services (IRP) Programme Manager, Ali Parsons, Strategy and Planning Manager, NHS East Sussex Downs and Weald and NHS Hastings & Rother present a progress report on the development of a service model for childbirth services provided by East Sussex Hospitals Trust and the ongoing implementation of the wider maternity strategy. PCT update report. Update on progress with HOSC recommendations report. Maternity dashboard. Data on community midwife clinics.
- Item 9 - Changes to the regulation of health and social care services
- Item 10 - HOSC work programme 2009/2010 Copy of work programme and outline programme for HOSC rural event on 27th November 2009
- Item 11 - Review of HOSC liaison Member arrangements with NHS organisations
- Item 12 - Individual HOSC members activity including Local Involvement Network (LINk) update
- Item 13 - Any other items previously notified under agenda item 4.
- Next HOSC meeting: 10am Friday 20th November 2009 at County Hall, Lewes
HOSC meeting Monday 6th July 2009 - click on 'item (number)' for the background paper
- Agenda
- Item 1 - Apologies for absence: Cllrs Tidy, Heaps, Howson, Taylor
- Item 2 - Minutes of meeting held 19th March 2009
- Item 3 - Disclosures
- Item 4 - Notification of urgent items
- Item 5 - Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust - Teaching, Trauma and Tertiary Care (3T) programme
- Duncan Selbie, Chief Executive and Nick Groves, Associate Director (3T) from Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust and Mike Wood, Chief Executive from NHS East Sussex Downs and Weald/NHS Hastings and Rother will give a presentation describing the Trust's development plans and the impact on East Sussex residents. Presentation short version
- Item 6 - East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust Infection Control
- Kim Hodgson, Chief Executive, Dr Barry Phillips, Director of Infection Prevention and Control and Beverley Thorp, Deputy Chief Nurse from East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust will present their report analysing the causes and lessons learnt from the Clostridium Difficile outbreak at Eastbourne District General Hospital in early 2009 and describing the Trust's wider infection control strategy. Click here for report. Mike Wood, Chief Executive from NHS East Sussex Downs and Weald/NHS Hastings and Rother will be in attendance to give a commissioner's perspective.
- Item 7 - Developing Maternity Services for East Sussex
Mike Wood, Chief Executive and Lisa Compton, Director of Public Engagement and Corporate Affairs from NHS East Sussex Downs and Weald/NHS Hastings and Rother will present progress with the maternity services programme, particularly focussing on plans for engaging local people and organisations. Maternity update report - Item 8 - HOSC Review of Stroke Care in East Sussex NHS response
- Rachel Harrington, Programme Lead for Stroke and Kate Russell, Service Improvement Project Lead from NHS East Sussex Downs and Weald/NHS Hastings and Rother will present the response of local healthcare organisations to HOSC's recommendations from its review of stroke care. Appendix 1-Covering letter Appendix 2 - Response to recommendatations Appendix 3 - stroke programme board Appendix 4 - Summary of recommendations within each workstream
- Item 9 - HOSC Task Group on aspects of the Mental Capacity Act final report
- Item 10 - HOSC future work programme at a glance
- Item 11 - Individual HOSC members activity - including Local Involvement Network (LINk) update. LINk work programme
- Item 12 - Any other items previously notified under agenda item 4.
- Next HOSC meeting: 10am Thursday 24 th September 2009 , County Hall, Lewes. Topics will include:
- Older people's mental health services
- Ambulance service development
- Developing maternity services
HOSC meeting Tuesday 19th March 2009 - click on 'item (number)' for the background paper
- Agenda
- Item 1 - Apologies for absence: Councillor Rogers
- Item 2 - Minutes of meeting held 27th November 2008
- Item 3 - Disclosures
- Item 4 - Notification of urgent items
- Item 5 - Developing Maternity Services for East Sussex
- Mike Wood, Chief Executive, Dr Diana Grice, Director of Public Health, Jenny Phaure, Project Programme Manager and Ali Parsons, Strategy and Projects Manager, from NHS East Sussex Downs and Weald and NHS Hastings and Rother will attend to present the update and take questions.
- Supporting papers:Updated HOSC monitoring template. Latest version of the maternity indicators. Update on Family Nurse Partnership Programme. Maternity strategy. Principles of a network model of services. Engagement plan.
- Item 6 - Day and vocational mental health services for adults
- Kate Dawson, Head of Strategic Commissioning (Mental Health Social Care and Supporting People) from A dult Social Care, East Sussex County Council, Caspar Murphy from Sussex Oakleaf and Carol Millard and Anne Arnold, Service User Representatives will attend to present the report and take questions. Slide presentation.
- Supporting papers: Mental health day and vocational services. Well being centres outline service specification.
- Item 7 - Equitable Access to Primary Care development of Primary Care Centres in Eastbourne and Hastings
- John Vesely , Head of Primary Care and Dr Anna Barnes, Primary Care Business Change Manager, Station Plaza Project Team from NHS East Sussex Downs and Weald and NHS Hastings and Rother, and Simon Lawrence, Director of Development from South East Health will attend to present the update on the progress of GP-led health centres and additional developments at Station Plaza, Hastings and take questions.
- Supporting papers: NHS Eastbourne Downs and Weald and NHS Hastings and Rother update report. Station Plaza Primary Care Centre briefing,
- Item 8 - Choice and Booking update
- John Vesely , Head of Primary Care, NHS East Sussex Downs and Weald and NHS Hastings and Rother, will update HOSC on progress with Choice and Booking and take questions. Supporting paper.
- Item 9 - Scrutiny review of stroke care Final review report.
- The Chairman of the Review Board on Stroke Care will present the final report of the Board for the Committee's endorsement.
- Item 10 - Task Group on Mental Capacity Act support for patients and carer
- Item 11 - Healthcare Commission Annual Health Check 2008/9
- Item 12 - Individual HOSC members activity including Local Involvement Network (LINk) update
- Item 13 - Any other items previously notified under agenda item 4.
- Next HOSC meeting: 10am Monday 6th July 2009 , County Hall, Lewes
HOSC meeting 10amThursday 27th November 2008 - click on 'item (number)' for the background paper
- Agenda
- Item 1 - Apologies for absence: Councillor Davies
- Item 2 - Minutes of meeting held 16th September 2008
- Item 3 - disclosures
- Item 4 - urgent items
- Item 5 - HPV (Human Papillomavirus) Vaccination Programme for Cervical Cancer. Background HPV report. Briefing sheet for General Practice
- Joanne Bernhaut, Consultant in Public Health, and Alison Smith, Children's Services Commissioning and Strategic Development Manager, East Sussex Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) attending
- Item 6 - NHS Dentistry in East Sussex status report. Background report.
- Jane Hewitt, Dental and Optometry Services Development Manager, East Sussex PCTs attending. Presentation slides
- Item 7 - Services for people with long term conditions
- Fiona Streeter, Service Design and Transformation Manager, Commissioning and Primary Care Directorate, East Sussex PCTs, Sarah Crouch, Putting People First Service Development Manager and Jessie McArthur , Head of Policy & Service Development, Adult Social Care, East Sussex County Council attending. Presentation slides. Overview of survey results
- Item 8 - Fit for the Future/Maternity Strategy
- Vanessa Harris, Director of Finance and Ali Parsons, Strategy and Projects Manager, East Sussex PCTs attending. Maternity proposals progressupdate. Progress report on community maternity services. HOSC monitoring template.
- Item 9 - Fit for the Future in West Sussex. Letter from Secretary of State
- Item 10 - Annual Health Check 2007/8 outcomes
- Item 11 - Local Involvement Network (LINk) update report
- Item 12 - Mental Health Capacity Act HOSC Task Group
- Item 14 - Individual HOSC members activity
- Item 15 - Any other items previously notified under agenda item 4.
- Next HOSC meeting: 19 March 2009 , 10am at County Hall, Lewes
HOSC meeting 10amTuesday 16th September 2008 - click on 'item (number)' for the background paper
- Agenda
- Item 1 - Apologies
- Item 2 - Minutes from 16th June 2008
- Item 3 - Disclosures
- Item 4 - Urgent items
- Item 5 - Fit for the Future and maternity strategy update report
- Michael Wilson , Strategy and Projects Manager and Lynne Regent , Director of Development, East Sussex PCTs will attend to present the update and take questions.
- Appendix 1 -Letter from Secretary of Health
- Appendix 2 - Independent Reconfiguration Panel press release
- Appendix 3 - Clinical Indicators
- Appendix 4 - Monitoring template
- Item 6 - Fit for the Future in West Sussex Joint HOSC update
- Item 7 - Mental health services update from Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
- Lorraine Reid , Executive Director East Sussex, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust will present the overview of mental health service developments in East Sussex and take questions. Slide presentation
- Item 8 - Older People's Mental Health Services - report back from HOSC Task Group on Beechwood Unit, Uckfield and Milton Court , Eastbourne proposals
- Item 9 - Equitable Access to Primary Care procurement of GP-led health centres in Eastbourne and Hastings
- John Vesely , Head of Primary Care, East Sussex PCTs will attend to present the update on bidders interest and results from further consultation.
- Item 10 - Choice and Booking update
- John Vesely , Head of Primary Care, East Sussex PCTs will attend to update HOSC on progress with Choice and Booking
- Item 11 - Scrutiny review of stroke care
- Item 12 - Individual HOSC members activity
- Item 13 - Any other items previously notified under agenda item 4.
HOSC meeting 10am Monday 16th June 2008 - click on 'item (number)' for the background paper
- Agenda
- Item 1 - Apologies
- Item 2 - Minutes from 20th March 2008
- Item 3 - Disclosures
- Item 4 - Urgent items
- Item 5 - Fit for the Future - Appendix 1 update. PCT update report - click here Appendix 2 HOSC monitoring template Fit for the Future recommendations - click here
- Michael Wilson , Programme Director Fit for the Future, East Sussex PCTs will attend to present the update and take questions.
- Item 6 - Fit for the Future in West Sussex Joint HOSC update. Appendix 1 - Joint HOSC report executive summary - click here
- Item 7 (a) - Older People's Mental Health Services
- Presentation on the strategy for older people's mental health services click here.
- Andrew Dean, Associate Director Older People's and Forensic Services, Sussex Partnership NHS Trust, Martin Packwood , Commissioning Manager, East Sussex PCTs and Kate Dawson, Head of Strategic Commissioning (Mental Health Social Care and Supporting People) , Adult Social Care, East Sussex County Council will present the strategy and take questions.
- Item 7 (b) - Report back from HOSC Task Group on Beechwood Unit, Uckfield and Milton Court , Eastbourne proposals. Appendix 2 - patient admission figures - click here
- Item 8 - Equitable Access to Primary Care
- John Vesely , Head of Primary Care, East Sussex PCTs will present plans for new GP-led health centre services in Eastbourne and Hastings and extended opening hours at GP practices across East Sussex . Appendix 1 - background paper from East Sussex PCTs - click here Slide presentation - click here
- Item 9 - Young Carers update
- Richard Baldwin , Operations Manager, Integrated Services (West), Children's Services, East Sussex County Council and Mark Braddock, Young Carers Services Manager, Care for the Carers will attend and take questions. Update report from Ricahrd Baldwin - click here Care for the Carers summary of the work to support young carers in East Sussex - click here
- Item 10 - Establishment of a Local Involvement Network (LINk) for East Sussex update report. Draft protocol for handling LINk referral to HOSC - click here
- Paul Rideout , Voluntary and Community Services Co-ordinator, Chief Executive's Department, East Sussex County Council will attend to take questions.
- Item 11 - HOSC work programme 2008/2009 - click here
- Item 12 - Individual HOSC members activity
- Item 13 - Any other items previously notified under agenda item 4.
HOSC meeting 10am Thursday 20th March 2008 - click on 'item (number)' for the background paper
- Agenda
- Item 1 - Apologies
- Item 2 - Minutes
- Item 3 - Disclosures
- Item 4 - Urgent items
- Item 5 - Fit for the Future - update.
- Item 6 - Fit for the Future in West Sussex Joint HOSC update
- Item 7 - Choose and Book progress update
- Mr John Vesely , Head of Primary Care, East Sussex PCTs and
Mr Mark Lavender , Choose and Book Project Manager, East Sussex PCTs will attend to present an update on Choose and Book and take questions. - Mr Andrew Dean, Associate Director Older People's and Forensic Services, Sussex Partnership NHS Trust will attend to give the briefing and take questions.
- Mr Paul Rideout , Voluntary and Community Services Co-ordinator, Chief Executive's Department, East Sussex County Council will attend to take questions.
- Item 10 - Healthcare Commission Annual Health Check process 2007/8
- Item 11 - Individual HOSC members' activity and liaison with Patient and Public Involvement Forums
- Item 12 - Any other items previously notified under agenda item 4.
HOSC meeting 3.30pm Monday 28th January 2008 - click on 'item (number)' for the background paper
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Item 5 - Fit for the Future PCTs' decision and response to HOSC recommendations.
- PCT Boards' recommendations as the future configuration of services report- click here
- Unconfirmed minutes of the PCT Boards' meeeting 20th December 2007 - click here
- PCT Boards' response to HOSC recommendations report - click here
- PCTs assessment of alternative options paper - click here (Click onto the following for supplementary information refered to in the options paper -Annex 1 : Annex 2 : Annex 3 : Annex 4 : Annex 5 : Annex 6)
- Item 6 - Fit for the Future - assessment of alternative proposals
- Option 5 response from Save the DGH Campaign - click here
- Option 5 response from Hands off the Conquest Campaign - click here
- Options 6 and 7 responses from Dr Roger Elias and Dr David Chui - click here
- Options 10 and 11 response from Dr Geoff Leece - click here
- Option 12 response from Mr Richard Hallett - click here
- East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust response - click here
- Item 7 - Fit for the Future HOSC consideration of PCTs' decision
HOSC meeting 10am Friday 30 November 2007 - click on 'item (number)' for the background paper
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Item 5 - Fit for the Future update report. Appendices - click here
- Nick Yeo , Chief Executive and Michael Wilson , Programme Director for Fit for the Future, East Sussex PCTs will attend to take questions
- Item 6 - East Sussex PCTs' Strategic Commissioning Plan and Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
- Nick Yeo , Chief Executive, East Sussex PCTs and Dr Diana Grice , Director of Public Health, East Sussex PCTs/East Sussex County Council, will give a presentation on the Strategic Commissioning Plan and Needs Assessment and then take questions. Slide presentation - click here
- East Sussex Downs and Weald PCT Strategic Commissioning Plan summmary - click here
- Hastings and Rother PCTStrategic Commissioning Plan summmary - click here
- Item 7 - East Sussex Draft Sustainable Community Strategy introduction
- Becky Shaw , Director of Policy and Communication, East Sussex County Council will introduce the Draft Sustainable Community Strategy and then take questions. Pride of Place draft for public consultation link
- Item 8 - Sussex Partnership NHS Trust foundation trust application
- Lisa Rodrigues, Chief Executive, Sussex Partnership NHS Trust and Ann Merricks , Assistant Chief Executive, Sussex Partnership NHS Trust will update the Committee on the Trust's foundation trust application and then take questions
- Item 9 - Dentistry update report to monitor progress since November 2006
- Jane Hewitt , Dental & Optometry Services Development Manager, Phil Hamlin, Acting Clinical Director, Special Care Dental Services, East Sussex PCTs
- Map of access to NHS Dentistry in East Sussex - click here
- Item 10 - Establishment of a Local Involvement Network (LINk) for East Sussex - update report. Have your say Department of Health consultation publication on the regulatoins for LINks - click here
- Paul Rideout , Voluntary and Community Services Co-ordinator, Chief Executive's Department, East Sussex County Council
- Item 11 - Individual HOSC members activity and liaison with Patient and Public Involvement Forums
HOSC Fit for the future evidence gathering meeting 2.30pm Wednesday 10 October 2007 - click on 'item (number)' for the background paper.
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Item 5 - Fit for the Future consultation process
- Supporting information:
- Report on the Public Reference Group - Lisa Compton , Director of Patient and Public Engagement and Corporate Affairs, East Sussex PCTs - click here
- An appraisal of the NHS public consultation process report by Avril Baker, Independent Consultant - click here
- Key Trends in consultation feedback PCTs report - click here
- Lisa Compton , Director of Patient and Public Engagement and Michael Wilson will attend to update the Committee on the PCTs' consultation process and take questions.
- Item 6 - Fit for the Future additional proposals
- Nick Yeo , Chief Executive and Michael Wilson , Programme Director for Fit for the Future, East Sussex Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) will attend to update the Committee on the additional proposals and take questions.
- Supporting information:
- Option 12- New ways of working for local maternity care East Sussex Maternity Services Consultation on reconfiguration - click here
- Option 13 A paper to dispel myths about the proposed reconfiguration of maternity and special care baby services in East Sussex Dr Keith Brent , Paediatrician - click here
- Addendum to final report New Options Assessment Panel - click here
- Item 7 - Fit for the Future HOSC recommendations to East Sussex PCTs
HOSC Fit for the future evidence gathering meeting Friday 21 September 2007 - click on 'item (number)' for the background paper.
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Item 5 - Fit for the Future - progress report
- Lisa Compton , Director of Patient and Public Engagement and Corporate Affairs and Michael Wilson , Programme Director for Fit for the Future, East Sussex Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) will attend to update the Committee on the PCTs' process and take questions. Additional papers - What is an equality impact assessment - Full equality impact assessment - Supporting information used to inform the equality impact - Maternity needs assessment for East Sussex
- Item 6 - Joint HOSC on Fit for the Future in West Sussex and Brighton and Hove - update
- Item 7 - East Sussex Hospitals Trust application for Foundation Trust Status
- Kim Hodgson , Chief Executive and Judith Clabby, Director of Corporate Services, East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust will attend to take questions.
- Item 8 - Sussex Partnership NHS Trust Service Developments in East Sussex
- Lorraine Reid , Executive Director for East Sussex , Sussex Partnership NHS Trust will present a summary of service developments and take questions from the Committee.
- Item 9 - Liaison with PPI Forums and the development of a LINk for East Sussex
HOSC Fit for the future evidence gathering meeting 25 July 2007 - click on 'item (number)' for the background paper.
- Minutes
- Item 5 - Chairman's introduction
- Item 6 - Children's Trust and Children's Services perspective - Matt Dunkley , Director of Children's Services, East Sussex County Council will present the views of the Children's Trust and of Children's Services, and will answer questions. Click here for minutes of the East Sussex Children's Trust discussion on Fit for the Future attached
- Item 7 - Paediatrician's perspective (1) - Dr Lorna Bray, Clinical Director, Children ' s Services, East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust will present the Trust's views and then take questions from the committee on paediatric issues in particular the Special Care Baby Unit.
- Item 8 - Paediatrician's Perspective (2) - Dr Keith Brent, Consultant Paediatrician will give a presentation of his views and then take questions from the committee on paediatric issues. Click here presentation paper. Click here for East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust's position on Dr Brent's presentation.
- Item 9 - Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists perspective. Click here for notes from a meeting between the Vice-President and Director of Standards of the Royal College and the HOSC Chairman and Vice-Chairman.
- Item 10 - Population Projections - Sarah Boughton Principal Planner (Demography and Housing), East Sussex County Council will give a presentation explaining how the East Sussex County Council population projections are calculated. Click here for a copy of the slides.
- Item 11 - Review of national policy and guidance on maternity services. Deborah McKenzie, Principal, Office for Public Management and Beth Anderson, Research Fellow, Office for Public Management will give a presentation summarising the review of national policy and guidance on maternity services undertaken on HOSC's behalf by the Office for Public Management. Click here for a copy of report attached. Click here for a copy of slides.
- Item 12 - South East Coast Strategic Health Authority perspective. Marianne Griffiths, Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Commissioning, South East Coast Strategic Health Authority will take questions from the committee on the role of the Strategic Health Authority in quality assurance and overseeing regional strategy for services.
- Item 13 - Further written submissions on Fit for the Future consultation:
- Response of East Sussex Local Medical Committee - click here
- Statement from the Friends of the Conquest and the Hands Off the Conquest Campaign Group regarding the PCTS' Fit for the Future consultation process - click here (East Sussex PCTs have responded to point 10 of the campaign's submission as to why the PCT has disbanded the Public Reference Group - click here for the response.)
- Submission from Mr Mike Parris on risk assessment - click here
- Submission from South East Coast Ambulance NHS Trust - click here
- Submission from Liz Walke, Chairman Save the DGH Campaign - click here
- Item 14 - East Sussex Primary Care Trusts further evidence on the Fit for the Future proposals - Nick Yeo, Chief Executive, East Sussex PCTs and Michael Wilson, Programme Director, Fit for the Future, East Sussex PCTs will answer questions on the Fit for the Future proposals. Click here for copy of HOSC Chairman's request for information and click here for the submission from the PCTs
HOSC Fit for the future evidence gathering meeting 22 June 2007 - click on 'item (number)' for the background paper.
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Item 4 - Chairman's introduction
- Item 5 - Adult Social Care - Cllr Bill Bentley - Lead Member for Adult Social Care, East Sussex County Council and Keith Hinkley,Director of Adult Social Care, East Sussex County Council will take questions from the Committee.
- Item 6 - East Sussex Hospitals Trust viewpoint Kim Hodgson Chief Executive, East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust will take questions from the Committee
- Item 7 - Experiences from a midwife-led unit - Maureen Royd-Jones Clinical Manager, Crowborough Birthing Unit will take questions from the Committee on experiences of managing a stand-alone midwifery-led birthing unit.
- Item 8 - Views from National Childbirth Trust (NCT) local branches - Tosca Anstis, Chair, Uckfield Healthfield and District NCT; Alison Ledward, Uckfield Healthfield and District NCT; Ilsa Moon, Secretary, Eastbourne & District NCT; Catherine Oatridge, Eastbourne & District NCT and Clare Rhodes James , Chair, Brighton and Hove NCT will give views from the perspective of local service users. Click here for Mrs Ledward's presentation. Click here for Mrs Moon's slides.
- Item 9 - Patient and Public Involvement Forum Views - Colin Waywell, Chair, East Sussex Hospitals Trust PPI Forum, Professor Peter Cox Chair, Hastings and Rother PCT PPI Forum, Maurice Langham Vice-Chair, East Sussex Downs and Weald PCT PPI Forum and Maureen Lawrence, Chair of Sussex Locality Group, South East Coast Ambulance Trust PPI Forum will present views from the point of view of local patients and public.
- Item 10 - Hospital Leagues of Friends - Peter Nash Chairman, League of Friends, Eastbourne DGH will present the views of the Leagues of Friends. Margaret Williams Secretary, Friends of the Conquest has made a written submission. Click here
- Item 11 - Views of Older People's Forums - Dr Arnold Goldman , Chairman Eastbourne Forum for Older People; Fred Cullen MBE, Chair Health & Social Care Special Interest Group, Hastings & St Leonards Seniors Forum; Don Hart, Chair Health and Community Care Special Interest Group, Seaford Seniors' Forum; Margaret Whiting, Secretary, Meridian Coast and Downs Mature Citizens' Community Forum will present views from the point of view of older people's forums. Click here for Dr Goldman's statement. Click here for Mr Cullen's statement.
- Item 12 - Fit for the Future in West Sussex/Brighton & Hove - Update
- Item 12a - urgent item - Fit for the Future in West Sussex/Brighton & Hove - further developments (information released 21 June 2007
Appendix 1 - West Sussex Fit for future service model click here
Appendix 2 - West Sussex PCT board paper - options for change - click here
Appendix 2a - longlist to shortlist of options - click here
Appendix 3 - constitution and terms of reference of joint HOSC - click here
HOSC Fit for the future evidence gathering meeting 7 June 2007 - click on 'item (number)' for the background paper.
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Item 5 - Chairman's introduction
- Item 6 - Perspective from local GP (1) - Dr Greg Wilcox, GP and Chair, Hastings and Rother PCT Professional Executive Committee (PEC)
- Item 7 - East Sussex Maternity Services Liaison Committee (MSLC) - Richard Hallett Co-Chair, East Sussex MSLC User Group. Presentation and discussion. Click here for copy of presentation slides.
- Item 8 - A Consultant's perspective Jamal Zaidi, Clinical Director for Women's Health Services, East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust Click here for Extract from PCT consultation document. Click here for PCTs' background paper to developing a clinical strategy attached
- Item 9 - A Midwife's perspective - Debra Young, Head of Midwifery, East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
- Item 10 - Royal College of Midwives perspective - Trish Dutfield, Regional Officer (South East Region), Royal College of Midwives
- Item 11 - Perspective from local GP (2) - Dr John Clarke, GP, Eastbourne
HOSC Fit for the future evidence gathering meeting 17 May 2007 - click on 'item (number)' for the background paper.
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Item 5 Chairman's introduction to the evidence gathering process
- Item 6 Option 5' proposal from the Save the DGH' and Hands off the Conquest' groups. Option 5 proposal publication
- Witnesses: Nigel Waterson Member of Parliament for Eastbourne; Liz Walke, Chair, Save the DGH Campaign; Margaret Williams, Chair, Hands off the Conquest Campaign; Vincent Argent , Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist and Medical Adviser to the Option 5' group.
- The witnesses will give a presentation outlining Option 5 and will answer questions.
- Item 7 Maternity Services for East Sussex: Epidemiological Needs Assessment report.
- Dr Diana Grice, Director of Public Health, East Sussex Primary Care Trusts and East Sussex County Council and Dr Sarah Nicholls, Specialist Registrar in Public Health will give a brief presentation on the key points and take questions from the committee on the maternity needs assessment. Slide presentation
- Item 8 South East Coast Ambulance Trust perspective
Geraint Davies, Director of Corporate Affairs and Service Development, South East Coast Ambulance Trust will take questions from the committee on issues related to the Ambulance Service. - Item 9 Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals Trust perspective. Des Holden, Divisional Clinical Director, Specialist Services, Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust will give evidence to the committee on the impact of the proposals on the services provided by Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust.
- Item 10 Fit for the Future proposals: Detailed evidence from East Sussex Primary Care Trusts. Nick Yeo, Chief Executive, East Sussex PCTs and Michael Wilson, Programme Director, Fit for the Future, East Sussex PCTs will answer questions on the Fit for the Future proposals
HOSC meeting 23 March 2007 - click on 'item (number)' for the background paper. For a complete set of papers (111 pages) click here: complete set
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Item 5a - Fit for the Future - proposals from East Sussex PCTs by Nick Yeo , Chief Executive, East Sussex PCTs.
- Item 5b - PCTs' proposed consulatation plan by Lisa Compton, Director of Public Engagement and Corporate Affairs, East Sussex downs and Weald PCT
- Item 5c - scrutiny process
- Item 5d - Fit for the Future - update by Liz Tatlow, Programme Director Fit for the Futur, West Sussex PCTs.
- Item 6 - Delayed transfers of care - presentation by Keith Hinkley, Director, Adult Social Care, East Sussex County Council
- Item 7 - update on 'Best care, best place'
- Item 8 - progress on HOSC review of services with people with long term conditions
- Item 9 - Summary of Healthcare Commission Annual Health Check process and proposed action by HOSC
- Item 10 - HOSC liaison with Patient and Public Involvement Forums and development of Local Involvement Networks (LINks)
- Item 11 - Individual HOSC member activity update - includes written response on Homefields Place and Seaford Day Hospital - Item 11a
HOSC meeting 30 November 2006 - click on 'item (number)' for background paper. For a complete set of papers (67 pages) click here: complete set
- Minutes
- Item 5 - Fit for the Future update from Nick Yeo , Chief Executive, East Sussex PCTs.
- Item 6 - Choose and Book progress report by Terri Agnew, Choose and Book Programme Manager East Sussex Area.
- Item 7 - NHS Dentistry to consider the PCT review on the impact of the new dental contract. Presentation by Jane Hewitt , Dental Services Development Manager, East Sussex Downs and Weald PCT and Andrew Demetriades, Director, East Sussex Downs and Weald PCT .
- Item 8 - Proposed changes to the Community Dental Services. Report by Phil Hamlin, Acting Clinical Director for Community Dental Services and Emergency Dental Services, East Sussex Downs and Weald PCT .
- Item 9 - Young carers' review by Children's Services update on progress on implementation of recommendations by John Tovey, Joint Head, Children's Services Commissioning Unit; Sandy Thomas , Policy & Planning Manager Disabled Children, Children's Services; Liz Fenton, Chief Executive, Care for the Carers; Mary Law, Young Persons' Services Manager, Care for the Carers.
- Item 10 - HOSC Work Programme 2006/07.
- Item 11 - Individual HOSC Member activity update.
HOSC Meeting 22 September 2006
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Item 5 - Mental health, learning disability and substance misuse services in East Sussex
- Item 6 - Creating an NHS Fit for the Future - to consider any emerging proposals for service changes, settings of care and sustainability plans for health provision in East Sussex.
- Item 7 - Delayed Transfers of Care - to consider the latest position including a joint report from Adult Social Care and East Sussex PCTs.
- Item 8 - Choose and Book Update - to consider performance in implementing choose and book in East Sussex.
- Item 9 - Dentistry in East Sussex - to consider some of the wide ranging impacts of the new dental contract.
- Item 10 - A Stronger Local Voice : A Department of Health discussion document proposes significant changes to patient and public involvement.
- Item 11 - HOSC Work Programme 2006/07.
- Item 12 - Individual HOSC Member activity update to include a discussion on the interim arrangements for HOSC member "buddying" with Public and Patient Involvement Forums (PPIFs) in view of the PCT/PPIF reconfiguration.
HOSC Meeting 23 June 2006
- Minutes
- Item 5 - Creating and NHS fit for the future and the East Sussex PCTs' sustainability plans. Discussion with Debbie Bamford, Transitional Lead Chief Executive for East Sussex
- Item 6 - Dentistry: observations following the PPIF public meeting on 24 May 2006 . Additionally there is a proposed transfer of Sussex Downs & Weald Community & Emergency dental services to South Downs Health NHS Trust from 1 October 2006 .
- Item 7 - Carers' Review (April- update and monitoring report.
Background information - Carers' Information Pack (draft) - Item 8 - HOSC work programme 2006/2007 and development day 25 April 2006 - work programme
- Item 9 individual HOSC member activity. Round the table update:
Strategic Health Authority Reference Panel (Chairman/Vice Chairman): Includes minutes of the reference panel meeting of 24 November 2005 together with an oral update of the meeting of 16 March 2006 .
Patient and Public Involvement Forums - Item 10 - Any other items prevously notified under agenda item 4
HOSC Meeting 17 March 2006
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Item 5 Scrutiny review of long term conditions
- Item 6 Update on 'Best care, best place'
- Item 8 Healthcare Commission annual health check
- Item 9 HOSC work programme 2005/06 and 2006/07
- Item 10 HOSC Development Day 25 Apri 2006
- Item 11 individual HOSC member activity
HOSC Special Meeting 3 March 2006 - Delayed discharge of care - East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Additional notes from the meeting.
- Statement from Keith Hinkley, Director Adult Social Care, East Sussex County Council
HOSC meetings 2005
HOSC Meeting 1 December 2005
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Item 5 Choose and Book programme
- Item 6 Newhaven Rehabilitation Centre
- Item 7 Update on Primary Care Trusts reconfiguration in East Sussex
- Item 8 Hastings and St Leonards PCT Estates Strategy
- Item 9 Delayed transfers of care - verbal briefing
- Item 10 Surrey and Sussex Strategic Health Authority Reference Group. Appendix 1
- Item 11 Burns Unit Consultation
- Item 12 Panorama programme on care of the elderly in Brighton
HOSC Meeting 23 September 2005
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Item 5 Shaping the future of services in Sussex for mental health, learning disabilities and substance misuse services
- Item 6 Local development of options for the future configurations of Primary Care Trusts
- Item 7 Carers' review monitoring report
- Item 8 Healthcare Commission: dealing with draft declarations
- Item 9 Sustainability of health provision
- Item 10 Update on work with Patient and Public Involvement Forums
Supplementary information tabled at the meeting:
Councillor Bob Lacey OBE, Chairman's correspondence with Mr John Lewis OBE DL, Chairman East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust on the appointment of a new chief executive at the trust
Item 5 - Shaping the future of mental health, learning disability and substance misuse services in East Sussex - report on the outcome of the consultation phase
Item 6 - PCT future configurations
- The organisation of the NHS - presentation slides by Fiona Henniker, Chief Executive Sussex Downs and Weald PCT
- Feedback on PCT configuration in East Sussex from stakeholder discussions
- 'Your health, your care, your say' letter from the Officer of the Deputy Primeminister outlining the large scale listening exercise to take place
- Implementing best care best place - briefing by Fiona Henniker, Chief Executive, Sussex Downs and Weald PCT on impact on East Sussex
HOSC Meeting: 28 June 2005
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Item 5 Terms of Reference for HOSC
- Item 6 Shaping the Future of Services in Sussex for Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and Substance Misuse. Full consultation document.
- Item 7 Sustainable Health Services for Surrey and Sussex - presentation by Simon Williams, Director of Policy, Surrey and Sussex Strategic Health Authority
- Item 8 Forward Plan: Work of the HOSC for 2005-2006. Work programme.
- Item 9 Update on the Review of the Health Local Delivery Plan and Financial Recovery Plan. Appendix - jointly agreed response from the health economy.
- Item 10 Healthcare commission: Dealing with draft Declarations
- Item 11 Final report of the Joint Select Committee's Consultation on Trauma and Orthopaedic Services
HOSC Meeting: 18 March 2005
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Item 5 Formation of Joint Committee to review proposals on shaping the future of services in Sussex for Mental Health, Learning Disability and Substance Misuse Service
- Item 6 Carers' Review final report.
- A day for carers report by East Sussex County Healthcare NHS Trust Patient and Public Involvement Forum final report
- Item 7 Update on Joint Select Committee with Kent County Council which is reviewing the consultation and proposals for Trauma and Orthopaedic Services in the south of West Kent
- Item 8 Response of Joint Committee on NHS Consultation on Best Care, Best Place
- Item 9 Update following publication of the HOSC review of East Sussex Health Local Delivery Plan and Financial Recovery Plan
- Item 10 Feedback from HOSC members on Patient and Public Involvement Forum activities
- Item 11 A framework of substantial variation and development final report
HOSC meetings 2004
HOSC Meeting: 17 December 2004
- Agenda
- Minutes 17 December 2004
- Item 5 Shaping the future of mental health services in Sussex: a presentation by Dr Steven Jones Director, ESCH NHS Trust and Tony Goss, Commissioning Manager, Hastings & St Leonards PCT
- Item 6 Joint Select Committee response to consultation in the South of West Kent Health Economy on Women's and Children's Services. Executive summary. Full report.
- Item 7 Review of Health Local Delivery Plan and Financial Recovery Plan 2004/5
HOSC Meeting: 28 October 2004
HOSC Meeting: 23 September 2004
- Minutes 23 September 2004
- Agenda
- Item 6 Establishment of a joint committee with Brighton and Hove and West Sussex - a response to changes of hospital services at Brighton General
- Item 7 Framework for a local definition of substantial variation. Appendix.
- Item 8 Alcohol, tobacco and substane misuse review final report. Executive summary. Full report.
- Item 9 South West Kent Health community consultation response report by Cllr Phillips and Cllr Slack
- Item 10 Hospital discharge arrangements update report by Cllr Slack
- Item 11 HOSC Annual Report 2003/04 draft copy
- Item 12 Update on progress with the second stage of the Patients' Choice Reality or Pipe Dream? report
- Item 13 HOSC's reactive and pro-active workloads report
- Urgent item reprovision plans for All Saints - response from Eastbourne Downs PCT to HOSC concerns
HOSC Meeting: 17 September 2004
- Minutes
- Agenda
- Item 4 East Sussex Local Health Economy Financial Recover Plan draft paper
- Local Delivery Plan - East Sussex Local Health Economy Summary Information
HOSC Meeting: 15 June 2004
- Minutes
- Agenda
- Item 5 Re-provisioning plans for All Saints
- Item 5 Appendix - Monitoring report on re-provisioning plans
- Item 6 Recommendation from the Scrutiny Review of Older People's Services
- Item 6 Appendix - User and Carer Involvement in Services report
- Item 7 HOSC pro-active work
- Item 8 Towards a definition of substantial variation
- Item 8 Appendix - New system for Patient & Public Involvement in Health report
- Item 9 Small service changes at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
- Item 9 Appendix - South of West Kent Health Community Service Configuration report
- Item 10 Second progress report on the Alcohol, Tobacco and Substance Misuse Review
- Item 11 Update on progress with the second stage of the review 'Patient Choice' - Reality or Pipe Dream?
- Item 12 The Centre for Public Scrutiny (CfPS)Invitation to bid for health scrutiny learning project funding
- Item 12 Appendix - CfPS instructions and information on bidding
- Item 13 Department of Health 'Choosing Health?' consultation on Action to Improve Health
- Item 13 Appendix - HOSC response to Department of Health
- Item 14 Meeting of South East Region Health Overview and Scrutiny Chairmen and Lead Officers
- Item 15 Training Session for HOSC members
All Saints Hospital Development of Replacement Services
HOSC Meeting: 12 March 2004
- Agenda
- Minutes of Meeting (12 March 2004)
- Minutes of Meeting (4 February 2004)
- Minutes of Meeting ( 19 February 2004)
- Item 7 Consultation Results
- Item 7 Appendix 1
- Item 7 Appendix 2
- Item 8 Patients Choice Review Covering Report
- Item 8 Patients Choice Review Preliminary Report
- Item 9 Patient and Public Involvement Forums
- Item 9 Patient and Public Involvement Forums Appendix
- Item 10 All Saints Hospital Update
- Item 11 Substance Misuse Review
HOSC Meeting: 19 February 2004
HOSC Meeting: 4 February 2004
- Agenda
- Minutes of last meeting
- CSR Funding Report
- CSR Reporting Schedule at 5 December 2003
- Funding Support
HOSC meetings 2003
HOSC Meeting: 4 December 2003
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Requirement to appoint a Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
- Update on progress with review of ‘Patient Choice - Reality or Pipe Dream'
- Establishment of a Project Board to undertake a review of Health Promotion
- Appendix: Health Promotion: Background Information
- Response to consultation on relocation of Dr Fergusonβs Surgery in Rye
- Appendix: Relocation for Dr Ferguson and Partners to Memorial Care Centre, Rye
- Consultation Response Procedure
- Special meeting of Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
- Developing Training Initiatives