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HOSC newsletter

October 2006

The newsletter provides an update on the progress made with health scrutiny in East Sussex.




Choose & Book roll-out disappoints

Near to the Future? - update on plans for health services. HOSC will consider proposals carefully when they emerge.

Bed unblocking - Delayed transfers of care show a sustained improvement but HOSC is still concerned at the comparatively high level of cases.

PPI Forums and LINks - HOSC criticises proposals.

Dental contract lacks bite? - new dental contract has not helped NHS dentistry services in East Sussex.

Sea change in mental health - HOSC briefed on the way services for mental health, learning disabilities and substance misuse are organised.

News briefs - No definited date for re-opening Newhaven Rehabilitation Centre: Sale of All Saints Hospitals site raised £5.75m. Revenue savings £4 million: Roger Howarth retires from East Sussex County Council


To download the newsletter, click here (180k PDF file). Paper copies available from Sam White on 01273 481581 or by writing to him at HOSC, North F, County Hall, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 1SW


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