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HOSC newsletter

January 2007

The newsletter provides an update on the progress made with health scrutiny in East Sussex.


Articles include:


Will the future ever arrive? - consultation on 'Fit for the Future' options will not start before the end of January 2007. Decisions on services will not be taken until May 2007 at the earliest.

Firm 'no' from HOSCs to SHA's propsal to form a region wide joint committee to consider 'Fit for the Future' options.

Improvements for young carers - progress on the young carers' development and improvement plan following Children's Services review of young carers.

Community Dental Services - HOSC endorses proposals to close Community Dental Services clinics in Crowborough and Healthfield and for patients to be treated at enhanced Uckfield and Hailsham clinics.

Check-up on NHS dentistry - HOSC assessment of the impact of the new NHS dental contract.

Victory on LINks - LINks will have the power to enter health and social care premises and to observe and assess the nature and quality of services.


To download the newsletter, click here . Paper copies available from Sam White on 01273 481581 or by writing to him at HOSC, C6F, County Hall, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 1SW


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