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HOSC responds to consultation on configuration of Primary Care Trusts; Strategic Health Authority configuration; and the configuration of NHS Ambulance Trusts in England:

21 March 2006

Primary Care Trusts

East Sussex HOSC does not express a preference for either one or two PCTs for East Sussex but notes the strengths and weaknesses of each option .

HOSC would additionally like to make the following comments and observations regardless of which configuration is chosen:


Strategic Health Authority

East Sussex HOSC supports option 2: A Strategic Health Authority for Kent, Medway, Surrey and Sussex and one for Thames Valley and Hampshire and the Isle of Wight .

HOSC is concerned at the lack of a financial assessment of the options linked to the SHA reconfiguration making the choice a difficult one. It reached its view based on an assumption that a very large SHA is likely to find local engagement more difficult.

In general, HOSC is far more concerned about the role of the SHA rather than how big an area it covers.

HOSC will continue to strive to understand the SHA's complex relationship with the health trusts as well as that with the standards monitoring and audit type bodies. It will also carefully consider the SHA's role in resolving the debt faced by trusts locally as well as some key local challenges such as delayed transfers of care.


Ambulance Service

East Sussex HOSC endorses the proposal for an ambulance trust for Kent, Surrey and Sussex .

HOSC would additionally like to make the following comments and observations:









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